We create innovative digital stories


Your Creative Partner

HypeBuzz is North India's favourite creative agency that offers a wide scale of services at competitive prices.

Our Services

  • Design & Motion Graphics
  • Branding & Package Design
  • Video Editing
  • Marketing
  • Event Curation & Story Board Design
  • Social Media Management

Build & Market your Brand

Who do we work with

Hypebuzz works with both established Brands & newly opened properties. We know what it takes to build a business from scratch and are involved in the building-process right from it's ideation stage.

How can we help

We help shape your brand in a way that it is: Unique, Memorable, Customer-Friendly. We believe that we work our best when we have a clear vision of a Brand's future projection & expectations- which is why our creative teams from different departments work in unison to generate the best possible results for every Brand-goal.

Have any questions?

Reach out to us! We are happy to assist you through our on-boarding process and never shy away from a test-project. You can call us on +91 79869 02854 or email us at hello@hypebuzz.in